Jennifer Bové
After several years as a wildlife researcher, Jennifer switched gears to raise her kids on a small farm and launch a literary career in print and digital media. She spent 16 years as a Staff Writer with MaryJanesFarm, an organic home and garden magazine, and has edited for The Spruce. She joined The Arena Group as a HubPages Network Editor in 2023 and recently assumed the role of Home and Garden Editor with Parade.
Off the clock, Jen hikes in the Wyoming mountains with her epileptic dog, dabbles in woodworking, fixes stuff around her old house, and grows a curious variety of plants. She once restored a crumbling 1800s farmhouse to habitability and can repair just about anything (with the help of YouTube!).
- Staff Writer, MaryJanesFarm magazine, 2006–22
- Author of 15 children's books for the National Wildlife Federation, published by HarperCollins and Rowman & Littlefield
- Curator/Editor of three anthologies of outdoor nonfiction, published by the University of Utah Press and Travelers' Tales
University of Missouri, Columbia, 1992–96
Bachelor of Science, Biology